
Identification of Microchip Implantation Events for Dogs and Cats in the VetCompass Australia Database

Paul McGreevy, Sophie Masters, Leonie Richards, Ricardo J. Soares Magalhaes, Anne Peaston, Martin Combs, Peter J. Irwin, Janice Lloyd, Catriona Croton, Claire Wylie and Bethany Wilson

In Australia, compulsory microchipping legislation requires that animals are microchipped before sale or prior to 3 months in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria, and by 6 months in Western Australia and Tasmania. Describing the implementation of microchipping in animals allows the data guardians to identify individual animals presenting to differing veterinary practices over their lifetimes, and to evaluate compliance with legislation. VetCompass Australia (VCA) collates electronic patient records from primary care veterinary practices into a database for epidemiological studies. VCA is the largest companion animal clinical data repository of its kind in Australia, and is therefore the ideal resource to analyse microchip data as a permanent unique identifier of an animal. 

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McGreevy, P., Masters, S., Richards, L., Soares Magalhaes, R.J., Peaston, A., Combs, M., Irwin, P.J., Lloyd, J., Croton, C., Wylie, C. and Wilson, B. 2019.Identification of Microchip Implantation Events for Dogs and Cats in the VetCompass Australia Database.